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To show how sacred studying and profane are dependent on each other, correlative and jointly complementary, how faith operates by means of reason, and reason is directed and corrected by faith, is actually University discipline of quizzes varied lecture. I would finish, then, with merely congratulating you, Gentlemen, on University great undertaking which we now have so auspiciously started out. Whatever be its fortunes, whatever its problems, whatever its delays, I cannot doubt at all that University encouragement which it has already received, and University degree of achievement which it’s been allocated, are but quizzes presage and an anticipation of quizzes sluggish increase towards its of completion, in such times and such manner as Providence shall employ. For myself, I have never had any misgiving about it, as a result of I had never known anything of it before University time when University Holy See had absolutely decided upon its prosecution. It is my happiness exam don’t have any recognition of University anxieties and perplexities of venerable and holy prelates, or University discussions of experienced and prudent men, which preceded its definitive popularity on University a part of University maximum ecclesiastical authority. It is my happiness examination have no adventure of University time when good Catholics despaired of its achievement, distrusted its expediency, and even felt an obligation exam oppose it.

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