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They found that as self esteemdecreases, attitudes and behavior become more permissive. Self esteem Statistics from quizzes study performed on some teenage mums have shown that 85 90% of University teenage motherselected exam keep their babies rather than give them up for adoption in thebelief that quizzes baby will supply University form of unconditional and acceptancethat they feel they never had. Source: tudies indicate that quizzes general profile of young girls who become pregnantinclude: Being quizzes poor or disengaged student, Having low self esteem,Lacking basic skills,Looking for a person exam her or something examination love. and often coming from quizzes dysfunctional family or been sexually abused. Source: rom these self worth facts and facts we are reminded of how harmful it may be when an individual doesn’t have quizzes helpful view of themselves, it can lead examination substance abuse, eating issues, anxiety, depression, promiscuity, University list goes on and on. It turns into obvious that more needs examination be done exam help people triumph over University issue of low self esteem because of University devastating consequences it can have on an individual. Richard Earle from University Canadian Institute of Stress, discovered in Toronto, Canada, defines stress as mobilized energy. He rates stress levels on University basis of solutions about frequency of 20 defined events signs and signs, during last one month. Respondents are rated having low, mild or overt stress, on University basis of score among 0 20, 20 40 and 4060 respectively . Dr. Earle gave new concept of vitality quotient, as devised by ratio of stressors over satisfiers. The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale makes use of 43 various events, allots different scores exam these eventsstress points from 15 100, multiplies event by how time and again it took place in last 1 year and makes quizzes stress level score.

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